Law is for everyone: FLAC launches legal information leaflets
27 March 2007

FLAC has produced a range of information leaflets on various areas of law. The leaflets cover the basic information in each area, explaining how the law works and providing a step-by-step approach to possible where appropriate.
"We believe the law should be for everyone - and this means everyone should be able to understand how it works," explains FLAC's Director General Noeline Blackwell.
The leaflets, written in clear, accessible language, cover areas such as Divorce, Maintenance, Wills & Probate as well as explaining how to change your name by Deed Poll or how to take out an enduring Power of Attorney.
"FLAC's aim is to open law up to people," said Blackwell, "and we are grateful to have had the chance to put these leaflets out there for the public - we hope that people will find them useful."
The leaflets are available to download (in PDF format) in our publications section and in print format from Citizens Information Centres around the country as well as from the FLAC office.