New FLAC Solicitor
13 July 2020

FLAC are delighted to announce that Solicitor, Christopher McCann has joined the Organisation’s legal team. In his new role, Christopher will provide advocacy and legal representation to the Traveller community in cases that best advance the interests of that community in achieving equality and vindicating their human rights.
“The Traveller community in Ireland suffers enormous marginalisation and discrimination. There is an unmet need for legal assistance and representation that lawyers have a responsibility to address. I am grateful to FLAC, the Steering Group of Traveller organisations and the Community Foundation in Ireland for this opportunity.” - Christopher McCann, FLAC Solicitor
Christopher studied law at Trinity College Dublin after which he undertook an internship in the Law Reform Commission and was a stagiaire in the European Parliament, Brussels. He trained with McCann FitzGerald solicitors and qualified in 2016. During his traineeship, he was editor-in-chief of the Hibernian Law Journal and part of the Law Society team which won the Corn Adomnáin international humanitarian law moot. Since qualification he has worked in litigation.
FLAC’s dedicated Traveller Legal Service, supported by The Community Foundation and in cooperation with a Steering Group made up of representation from all the national Traveller organisations will be launched on Monday July 27th 2020. Please save the date.