Launch of 'Remote Justice' FLAC Annual Report 2020 via Zoom Tuesday, 29th June 2021
28 June 2021

FLAC's Annual Report for 2020 will be launched on Tuesday 29th June 2021
by the Chief Justice, Frank Clarke.
'Rights are even more important in a pandemic'.
FLAC Council and Staff invite you to join us for this event as we reflect on the impact of Covid and the work completed by FLAC in our pursuit of access to justice in Ireland in 2020.
Date: Tuesday 29th June 2021
Venue: Zoom and Facebook Live
Time: 9-10am
Register here:
For any further queries please contact:
Caroline Smith, Media and Communications Officer by emailing or by phoning 01-887 3600
Thie event will have sign-language interpretation.
Yours sincerely,
Eilis Barry, Chief Executive
W: FB: T: @flacireland