43 NGOs and advocates join FLAC’s call on Justice Minister to ensure Ireland’s vulnerable and marginalised individuals, families and communities can access Civil Legal Aid
29 July 2021

Update: 44 NGOs and advocates join FLAC’s call on Justice Minister to ensure Ireland’s vulnerable and marginalised individuals, families and communities can access Civil Legal Aid
*Ballymun Community Law Centre was ommitted from original statement*
In a letter delivered to government today, 29-07-2021, 45 signatories have called on the Minister for Justice to ensure that the forthcoming review of the civil legal aid scheme will be a root and branch review, to address the issue of unmet legal need in Ireland. The broad range of NGOs, charities, non-profits, advocates and a union working in Ireland directly with vulnerable and marginalised individuals, families and communities have come together to seek a commitment that the upcoming review of the civil legal aid system is comprehensive, meaningful, transparent, inclusive and participatory, incorporating the voices of citizens and stakeholders with first-hand experience of civil legal aid in Ireland.
Eilis Barry, CE of FLAC said,
“The organisations and individuals who have signed this letter provide legal expertise, information, support and advocacy to a broad range of communities, families and individuals. Collectively, we work with migrants, Travellers, members of the Roma community, deaf people, lone parents, disabled people, victims and survivors of domestic violence, unemployed people, the working poor and more. Our request is based on the experience of meeting the needs of the people we work with, people who are often excluded from society, without the means to vindicate their rights.”
The letter to the Minister outlines our four main asks in relation to the review of the civil legal aid system planned for Q3 of 2021 by the Dept of Justice. The signatories believe that the review must;
- Be a root and branch review that is comprehensive in scope and map unmet legal need. It must explore the functions of the Legal Aid Board, including functions such as the provision of information, advocacy, education and research; the eligibility criteria for legal aid, including the means test, and financial contributions, the areas of law covered – discrimination, domestic violence, housing, sexual harassment; and the methods of service delivery, such as community law centres, targeted/specialised legal services for disadvantaged groups and individuals.
- Be an independent review chaired by a person of status, such as a judge with an interest in access to justice, such as the original Pringle Committee.
- Have at its centre the voices of those who experience unmet legal need and involve key stakeholders, including external groups and NGOS who provide legal and other services to people in poverty and disadvantage. Such as FLAC, and members of the Independent Law Centres Network(ILCN), the Legal Aid Board; statutory bodies such as IHREC, the Citizens Information Board and the National Disability Authority; relevant NGOs, academics and people who are familiar with the needs of lay litigants and representatives of the profession.
- Measure the civil legal aid system against international standards and compliance with the State’s obligations under national and international human rights law.
According to Ms. Barry of FLAC,
”If the proposed review is to be meaningful, it must incorporate all of these elements. The planned review is a golden opportunity to create a civil legal aid system that is fair and fit for purpose, one that enables access to justice for those that may need it most but have no means to achieve it.”
- Eilis Barry, CE, FLAC
- Orla O’Connor, CEO, National Women’s Council of Ireland
- Tanya Ward, CE, Children’s Rights Alliance
- Karen Kiernan, CE, One Family
- Bernard Joyce, Director, Irish Traveller Movement
- Lorraine Dempsey, CEO, Inclusion Ireland
- Andy Heffernan, National Secretary, SVP
- Maria Joyce, Co-Ordinator, National Traveller Women’s Forum
- Brendan Ogle, Senior Officer, Unite Trade Union
- Liam Herrick, CE, ICCL
- Paula Fagan, CEO, LGBT Ireland
- Sarah Benson, CEO, Women’s Aid
- Orla Grehan, Irish Deaf Society
- Joan Carthy, National Advocacy Manager, Irish Wheelchair Association
- Catherine Cosgrave, Managing Solicitor, Immigrant Council of Ireland
- Shane O’Curry, Director, ENAR
- Nick Henderson, CEO, Irish Refugee Council
- Damien Walsh, CEO, Independent Living Movement Ireland
- David Byrne , Advocacy and Policy Worker, Cope Galway
- Fiona Finn, CEO, NASC Ireland
- Marissa Ryan CE, EPIC
- Deirdre Kenny, Director of Advocacy/Deputy CEO, One in Four
- Suzanne Connolly, CEO, Barnardos
- Mike Allen, Director of Advocacy, Focus Ireland
- Ian Power, CEO, Spun Out
- Martin Collins, Co-Director, Pavee Point
- Jules McDonagh, Resource and Information Officer, Exchange House
- Moninne Griffith, CEO, BelongTo
- June Tinsley, National Advocacy Manager, NCBI
- Barry Sheridan, CEO, Down Syndrome Ireland
- Nem Kearns, Board Secretary, Disabled Women Ireland
- Kieran Loughran, CE, Headway Ireland (Brain Injury Services)
- Wendy Lyon, Solicitor, Abbey Law
- Mary-Louise Lynch, Director, SISI
- Louise Bayliss, Spokesperson, SPARK
- Lucky Khambule, Coordinator, MASI
- Gaibhin McGranaghan, Policy Officer, ASIAM
- Nancy Power, Joint Co-Ordinator, National Traveller MABS
- Edel McGinley, Director, MRCI
- Shana Cohen, Director, TASC
- Rose Wall, CEO, Community Law & Mediation
- Aoife Kelly Desmond, Managing Solicitor, Mercy Law
- Fleachta Phelan, Senior Policy Advocate, Disability Federation of Ireland
- Gary Lee, Managing Solicitor, Ballymun Community Law Centre
The letter can be viewed at https://www.flac.ie/assets/files/pdf/joint_letter_on_civil_legal_aid.pdf
If you would like to sign up to the campaign please visit https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeaB64tAISdHieFhrthCRVTGR0IMgnUewpSL1B1U49balCZdA/viewform
Updated Signatures Post Launch
- Dr. Samantha Morgan Williams, Traveller Equality and Justice Project, UCC
- Fiona Donson, UCC
- Rose Marie Maughan, ITM
- Marc Willers QC, Garden Court Chambers
- Kathrina Bentley, CEO, Men's Aid Ireland
- Moira Jenkins, Munster Technological University
- Jeanne McDonagh, CEO, The Open Doors Initiative
- Miriam Wilson , Solicitor, M T Wilson Solicitors
- Dr Sindy Joyce, University of Limerick
- Gavin Elliott, Legal Officer, Threshold
- Dr Liam Thornton, School of Law, University College Dublin
- Dr Charles O’Sullivan, School of Law, Ulster University
- Michael Farrell, Solicitor, Former FLAC Solicitor