Jog for Justice
3 March 2022

Registration is now open for the VHI Women’s Mini Marathon on 5th June 2022.
Join Team FLAC as we walk, run and Jog for Justice in the annual 10k road race which takes place in Dublin on 5th June 2022. Now the largest one-day charity event in the country, the VHI Women’s Mini Marathon will see thousands of women come together to enjoy this unique experience and raise much need funds for charity.
FLAC is an independent human rights organisation dedicated to promote equal access to justice for all. By taking part and raising funds for FLAC, you will be making a huge difference to so many people facing injustice, job losses, evictions, family breakdowns and domestic violence. Often FLAC is their first port of call, as they face a legal system to vindicate their rights, completely alone. FLAC is there to offer legal information and advice to those often facing a significant crisis in their lives.
Funds raised will go to our Telephone Information and Referral line and FLAC’s Legal Advice Clinics. In 2021 our Information and Referral line answered 13,147 queries, an increase of 678 on the previous year. FLAC volunteer lawyers gave legal advice to 2,904 service uses in 2021 through the Legal Advice Clinics. Over 35.6% of these appointments were in regard to Family Law and 13% of these, were seeking help in regard to domestic violence.
FLAC could not operate these services without the generosity of public. Please join us as we Jog for Justice on 5th of June 2022.
Please do let us know if you are taking part for FLAC. We’d be delighted to hear from you. Email:
Best of luck and thank you!