
Join FLAC Team 200 in Flora Women’s Mini Marathon, 7th June

7 June 2010

Register for the Flora Women's Mini Marathon 2010

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The Flora Women's Mini Marathon attracts 40,000 women every year. It is the biggest all-women's event of its kind in the world - the atmosphere is fantastic. In 2008 it is estimated that over €13m was raised for charities big and small and this brings the total since 1983 close to €123m.

Here at FLAC we provide help to over 20,000 people struggling in areas like family law, employment law and debt. We need your support to ensure the continuation of this important service.

To register as a member of Team FLAC, please email the following details to

- First Name
- Surname
- Email Address
- Postal Address

When you register, we will get back to you with details about the fundraising pack. This will include a sponsorship card, a t-shirt and information on the post-marathon reception. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

For more information please call 01 8745690 or email

Please note that this is to register to run with FLAC. By submitting these details to us you are not registered to take part in the event, only to run on our behalf.

NB You also need to register with the event organisers to get your race number. Places fill up fast, so register early.

Why not create your own sponsorship page on to make it even easier for your friends and family contribute to FLAC Team 200?

Location Map
