The right to social security: Thematic consultation for ICESCR Shadow Report
21 May 2014

One of FLAC's key aims is to advance international and national standards that promote human rights, which are fundamental to everyone and permeate all areas of law. Preparing a 'Shadow reoprt' is a useful way of both highlighting rights abuses and issues as well as using an international mechanism to promote human rights in Ireland.
Thus FLAC is coordinating a shadow report to Ireland's State Report on how it is meeting its duties under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) . This involves such basic rights as education, health, housing, social security, workers’ rights, employment, protection of families and cultural life. You can read more about why FLAC is involved in this on our news page.
FLAC will prepare the ICESCR Shadow Report over the coming months to help influence the List of Issues for consideration by the UN Committee and the questions to be raised with the Government ahead of the examination next year. To get a good sense of the issues on the ground, FLAC will hold general public consultations in Dublin, Cork and Galway as well as two Dublin-based thematic consultations on cross-cutting issues: housing and social security.
Consultations are being held in:
- Galway on Monday 12 May in Arts Concourse Rm 215, Science Block, National University Ireland Galway
from 2-5pm.
- Cork on Thursday 15 May in the Metropole Hotel
, MacCurtain Street at 2-5pm
- Dublin on Tuesday 20 May in the Franciscan Friary
, Merchant’s Quay at 2-5pm
There will be consultations on two cross-cutting themes: the right to housing and the right to social security. These thematic consultations are taking place in the Franciscan Friary, Merchant’s Quay, onWednesday 21 May.
The morning session (11am-1pm) will concentrate on the right to housing.
The afternoon session (2-4pm) we will concentrate on the right to social security. E-mail us to register!
FLAC is also calling for written submissions to be sent to the research team by 30 May 2014. Please see our detailed questionnaire for guidance.
For further details, see the FLAC information sheet or contact the research team to be added to our mailing list.
You can also follow us on Twitter for updates on @realrightsIRL
We hope you'll join us in telling the real story on key human rights in Ireland!
Franciscan Friary, Merchants Quay, Dublin 8