Invitation to Tender – Evaluation of Anti-Racism Advocacy Training Programme
9 May 2023

This invitation to tender has now closed
FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) and INAR (Irish Network Against Racism) invite tenders for a short-term contract to evaluate a training programme designed and delivered as part of the Equal Access Project. This is an EU-funded project established to improve access to justice for people discriminated against in employment or access to goods and services on the basis of race or membership of the Traveller Community.
As part of the project, the Anti-Racism Advocacy training programme was developed to equip non-legal advocates with the skills and knowledge necessary to support claimants in making a complaint of discrimination to the Workplace Relations Commission. FLAC and INAR invite suitable candidates with relevant qualifications and experience to submit a proposal for an independent evaluation of this training programme, to include review of training session recordings and training materials, interviews with participants, and the submission of an evaluation report. The budget is €4,000 and the timeframe for delivery is approximately 4 weeks, to be agreed with the successful bidder.
For more information, please see the terms of reference for this contract attached here.
Tenders to be sent to