
News - Press Releases Category

  1. social media imagery (1)FLAC appears before Oireachtas Committee to discuss legislation to implement the landmark Supreme Court decision in O’Meara Issued 2 July 2024 Legislation will make social welfare payments for bereaved people and their families available to cohabitants and their children. FLAC (which represented the O’Meara …
  2. 20240321_124053FLAC highlights the urgent need for improved Traveller Accommodation and Anti-Discrimination legislation at Oireachtas Committee Hearing Issued 21 March 2024 FLAC highlights the urgent need for improved Traveller Accommodation and Anti-Discrimination legislation at Oireachtas Committee Hearing FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) …
  3. social media imagery (1)FLAC welcomes landmark Supreme Judgment on Equal Treatment for Parents and their Children regardless of marital status Issued 22 January 2024 The Supreme Court has unanimously upheld an appeal brought by John O’Meara and his children which challenged a refusal to award them a Widower’s Pension. Mr O’Meara …
  4. FLAC Recommendations to Strengthen the Proposed Family and Care Amendments 01.24Legal Rights NGO FLAC calls for stronger and clearer ‘Family’ and ‘Care’ amendments to be put to Referendum Issued 12 January 2024 FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) has provided Government and members of the Oireachtas with recommendations for strengthening and clarifying the ‘family’ and ‘care’ …
  5. MJOS6599Peter Ward SC delivers annual FLAC Justice Lecture Issued 13 December 2023 Lecture focuses on lessons for the future of access to justice and equality in Ireland, and successfully achieving impactful constitutional reform. Mr Ward expressed concerns …
  6. FLACFLAC highlights concerns with the proposed ‘Care’ referendum wording and the need for information on the practical effects of the proposed ‘Family’ amendment Issued 12 December 2023 FLAC has today written to the Taoiseach, Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and relevant Oireachtas Committees outlining a number of concerns …
  7. FLACWRC finds Family refused access to hotel for Confirmation celebration were subject to discrimination on the Traveller Community ground Issued 9 November 2023 Margaret O’Sullivan, her sister and her partner (each of whom were represented by FLAC) made discrimination complaints under the Equal Status Acts after the family’s …
  8. ©Speirs_march Dec78 334_18aFlac expresses solidarity with the Criminal Bar ahead of planned Withdrawal of Services Issued 27 September 2023 Independent Access to Justice organisation Flac (Free Legal Advice Centres) has voiced its support for the withdrawal of services by members of the Criminal Bar on 3 October …
  9. seanadSupreme Court sets May 2025 deadline for expansion of electorate in Seanad University Panel elections Issued 26 July 2023   Mr Heneghan, who was represented by FLAC, is a graduate of the University of Limerick. He took a constitutional challenge to laws which mean that only graduates of TCD and …
  10. Final_Access to Justice Conference Report[13]FLAC welcomes publication of conference report by the Chief Justice’s Working Group on Access to Justice and Civil Legal Review Issued 12 July 2023 Speaking on the launch of the Chief Justice’s Working Group on Access to Justice’s report on the Civil Legal Review today, Eilis Barry, CE of the legal rights charity …
  11. FLAC Annual Report 2022 Legal rights NGO FLAC’s Annual Report shines a spotlight on huge unmet legal need and demand for early legal assistance Issued 10 July 2023 The Hon. Mr Justice Frank Clarke, former Chief Justice of Ireland and Chair of the Civil Legal Aid Review Group, will launch FLAC’s 2022 Annual Report, ‘Bringing Access …
  12. FLAC LGBTQI  Clinic (2)LGBTQI Survey Launch Issued 31 May 2023 Press Release on LGBTQI Survey Launch  FLAC Launches Research Survey to Address Unmet Legal Needs in Ireland's LGBTQI+ Community FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) has …
  13. shoppingCircuit Court rules that Dunnes Stores discriminated against Roma Women Issued 18 May 2023 FLAC PRESS RELEASE 18 May 2023 His Honour Judge John O’Connor has upheld an appeal brought by two Roma women (who were represented by FLAC) against a decision of the …
  14. Generic Image - Four CourtsLANDMARK SUPREME COURT JUDGMENT: Laws limiting electorate for Seanad University Panels are unconstitutional; Oireachtas must legislate to expand franchise Issued 31 March 2023 FLAC PRESS RELEASE 31 March 2023 LANDMARK SUPREME COURT JUDGMENT: Laws limiting electorate for Seanad University Panels are unconstitutional; Oireachtas must legislate to …
  15. Social Housing (1)FLAC responds to comments from Taoiseach relating to ‘notices of termination’, the role of the Courts and advising tenants to seek free legal advice Issued 29 March 2023 FLAC has today responded to comments made by the Taoiseach in which he repeatedly advised tenants facing eviction to contact FLAC.  During Leaders’ Questions yesterday, …
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