
News - Press Releases Category

  1. case-law-677940Social welfare law must not leave people behind, say legal rights bodies Issued 10 November 2016 Joint press advisory                                 Thursday 10 November 2016 FLAC and Community Law & Mediation Two leading independent …
  2. budgetingBudget 2017: Welcome relief for vulnerable groups but fairer budget process must come soon Issued 11 October 2016 Legal rights group FLAC today said that while it welcomed the basic welfare increases that will benefit many vulnerable segments of society in Budget 2017, it regretted that …
  3. Publication cover - Annual Report 2015Almost 29,000 people helped with legal advice and information in 2015 Issued 3 October 2016 Top issues: housing, family law, employment law, debt & credit  The continuing impact of austerity in Ireland is borne out by data on legal need for 2015 released by …
  4. Eilis Barry BLFLAC appoints new CEO Issued 27 July 2016 Legal rights group FLAC has announced the appointment of its new Chief Executive Officer, Ms Eilis Barry, who will take up the position on 7 September next. Ms Barry is a …
  5. Publication cover - FLAC Pre-Budget 2017 SubmissionBudget 2017 must be fair and improve the lives of those who have been left behind Issued 21 July 2016 Today, legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) called on the State to ensure that human rights are a primary consideration in all budget related decisions. In its …
  6. Stock Image - House Keychain (Mortgages/Housing)Legal aid for those in mortgage arrears finally here Issued 6 July 2016 Legal rights group FLAC has welcomed the new legal support scheme for those in mortgage debt announced by Minister for Justice & Equality Frances Fitzgerald TD.  The …
  7. May 2016 - JOC Paul SineadLucey Eithne CiaránMore action needed to avoid surge in homelessness among people in deep mortgage arrears Issued 17 May 2016 The Oireachtas Housing and Homelessness Committee will hear today from legal rights group FLAC on how the state might avert the threat of homelessness to the 30,000 …
  8. Generic Image - UN OHCHR PlaqueUPR: Ireland under international scrutiny at UN hearing today Issued 11 May 2016 Other UN member states are putting tough questions on Ireland’s human rights track record to a government delegation at a UN hearing in Geneva today, including our failure …
  9. Stock Image - Equality NoticeboardFLAC welcomes European anti-racism body’s call on welfare decisions and Travellers Issued 3 March 2016 Legal rights organisation FLAC today backed a call by the European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) for the Social Welfare Appeals Office to publish the …
  10. Publication cover - Report: Accessing Justice in Hard TimesTime to repair austerity damage to access to justice Issued 25 February 2016 Legal rights group FLAC is this morning launching research that charts the impact of the recent recession on how people in Ireland accessed justice through the civil legal …
  11. Stock Image - Legal Advice SignNew legal aid scheme for troubled borrowers welcomed Issued 25 January 2016   Legal rights group FLAC has welcomed the announcement by Minister for Justice & Equality Frances Fitzgerald TD of a new legal support scheme for those in mortgage …
  12. Dec 2015 - Noeline Blackwell (Dave Ellis)FLAC Director General Noeline Blackwell to leave post Issued 22 January 2016 Legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) today announced the departure of its Director General, Noeline Blackwell. She has led the organisation since 2005. FLAC …
  13. Dec 2015 - Michael Farrell (Dave Ellis)Michael Farrell argues for greater human rights protections Issued 3 December 2015 Speaking in Dublin this evening (3 December 2015), FLAC’s Senior Solicitor and life-long social justice activist Michael Farrell identified serious weaknesses in the …
  14. Stock Image - Scales w/ Blue Background11th hour amendment could make Legal Services Bill a tool for widening access to justice Issued 26 November 2015 In a submission to Seanad members ahead of today’s debate on the Legal Services Regulation Bill 2011, legal rights group FLAC said the Bill as it currently stands does not …
  15. Stock Image - EurosState must end age discrimination against young people on social welfare Issued 24 November 2015 Legal rights group FLAC welcomed yesterday’s announcement by the Tánaiste and Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton that her Department plans a review into the impact …
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