
Related News - Consumer Credit Law Reform

  1. FLAC Pillar to Post - Paper 3FLAC warns that the distress of Covid may be followed by the stress of consumer over-indebtedness, as the cost of living rises and payment breaks and supports are removed. Issued 3 November 2021 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| Today Free Legal Advice Centres (FLAC) publishes the third of four papers in the series ‘From Pillar to Post’ which examines issues arising in new and existing …
  2. FLAC Pillar to Post Paper 2 Final v‘Ten Years and Counting’ - FLAC paper examines the difficult question of family home mortgage arrears Issued 18 August 2021 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| Today, the 18th of August, 2021, FLAC publishes the second of four papers in the series ‘From Pillar to Post’ which assess the difficulties facing consumer borrowers …
  3. FLAC PILLAR to POST Paper One FINAL LRNow is the time to talk about consumer debt warns Legal Rights NGO, FLAC. Issued 30 June 2021 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform|   Launch of series of papers – From Pillar to Post  Today, FLAC - Free Legal Advice Centres, launches the first in a series of four papers to raise concerns and create …
  4. Publication cover - Annual Report 201625,700 people received information and legal advice in 2016 Issued 31 July 2017 |access-to-justice|civil-legal-aid|consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform|flac-information|human-rights-law|public-interest-law|social-welfare-law-reform| Top queries: family law, housing, employment law Welcome for reversal cuts to District Court private practitioner panel Call for end to legal aid fees in Domestic Violence …
  5. Paul190117FLAC: Welcome for stronger consumer protections in new bill dealing with financial complaints Issued 14 July 2017 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| Legal rights group FLAC today said a new law will introduce long awaited reforms of the legislation underpinning the Financial Services Ombudsman’s office. Earlier today …
  6. Publication cover - Annual Report 2015Almost 29,000 people helped with legal advice and information in 2015 Issued 3 October 2016 |access-to-justice|civil-legal-aid|consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform|flac-information|human-rights-law|public-interest-law|social-welfare-law-reform| Top issues: housing, family law, employment law, debt & credit  The continuing impact of austerity in Ireland is borne out by data on legal need for 2015 released by …
  7. Publication cover - Annual Report 2014Over 28,000 people received legal help in 2014 Issued 6 July 2015 |access-to-justice|civil-legal-aid|consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform|flac-information|human-rights-law|public-interest-law|social-welfare-law-reform| Minister for Justice & Equality Frances Fitzgerald today launched the Annual Report for 2014 of legal rights group FLAC. Launching the report and a guide to the law on …
  8. Generic Image - Leaflets & BooksFailure to deal with top-up loans leaves burden on poorest families Issued 16 June 2015 |access-to-justice|consumer-credit-law-reform| It is reported today that the Financial Services Ombudsman’s Bureau has upheld a complaint by a Donegal couple who complained about their loan from a leading moneylender …
  9. Publication cover - Moneylending and the Law - September 2007Guide to moneylending & the law Issued 16 June 2015 |consumer-credit-law-reform| We are re-posting a link to our Guide to Moneylending & the Law in the wake of a report by Charlie Weston of the Iris
  10. Stock Image - DoorknockerBriefing: Mortgage Arrears Figures issued 4 June 2015 Issued 4 June 2015 |access-to-justice|consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| FLAC Briefing Note Central Bank Mortgage Arrears Figures issued 4 June 2015 Quite late into the second quarter of 2015, the Central Bank has today issued finally figures on …
  11. Publication cover - Paper: Owner Occupier Mortgage Arrears-Progress on ResolutionAnalysis of mortgage arrears data shows Government strategy not working Issued 15 January 2015 |access-to-justice|consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform|public-interest-law| An in-depth analysis of the steps taken by the state and lenders to resolve the owner occupier mortgage arrears crisis indicates that the Government’s current approach is …
  12. homepicture_seesawWider view needed for new mortgage lending rules Issued 9 December 2014 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform|public-interest-law| In regulating how much a person can borrow to buy a house, the State must also take into account not just the Central Bank’s proposals but the wider crises in housing and …
  13. Generic Image - FLAC BannerPut focus on ordinary people in long-awaited reform of credit and insolvency Issued 7 October 2014 |access-to-justice|consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform|human-rights-law| Two important news items this morning underline the urgent need to regulate the credit industry in Ireland appropriately, says legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice …
  14. Publication cover - Redressing the Imbalance Executive SummaryConsumer protection on agenda for new Oireachtas term Issued 17 September 2014 |access-to-justice|consumer-credit-law-reform|public-interest-law| Legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) will mark the first day of the new Dáil term today with a presentation on legal protection for consumers of financial …
  15. Publication cover - Pre Budget Submission 2015Budget must meet basic fairness standards if government wants people to stand by it Issued 16 July 2014 |access-to-justice|consumer-credit-law-reform|human-rights-law|public-interest-law|social-welfare-law-reform| Access to justice campaign group FLAC is today calling on the state to produce a budget that people can tolerate by applying basic human rights standards in how it decides to …
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