

Speirs170412FLAC090FLAC publishes practical guides on and analyses of various areas of law, particularly those which affect disadvantaged groups. It also produces reports on current legal problems and issues. These publications bring to light information that helps to formulate policy as well as strategies and recommendations for action.

FLAC issues a magazine three times a year, FLAC News, which features legal information and comment, reports on new developments and insights into FLAC's work in general.

Publications database

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There are 427 FLAC publications available. Showing items 1 - 10.

  1. FLAC Submission to the Joint Committee on Key Issues affecting the Traveller Community 03.24FLAC Submission to the Joint Committee on Key Issues affecting the Traveller Community
  2. Opening Statement of Sinéad Lucey (FLAC Managing Solicitor) to the Joint Committee on Key Issues affecting the Traveller Community 03.24Opening Statement of Sinéad Lucey (FLAC Managing Solicitor) to the Joint Committee on Key Issues affecting the Traveller Community 21 March 2024
  3. FLAC Recommendations to Strengthen the Proposed Family and Care Amendments 01.24Recommendations to Strengthen the Proposed ‘Family’ & ‘Care’ Constitutional Amendments
  4. FLAC Preliminary Response to Proposed Family FLAC Preliminary Response to Proposed ‘Family’ & ‘Care’ Amendments
  5. FLAC Standards and Suggested Wording for Constitutional AmendmentsStandards & Suggested Wording for Constitutional Amendments in relation to the Equality Guarantee, replacing the ‘Women in the Home’ Provision & the Non-Marital Family
  6. FLAC Referendums Workshop ReportReport on FLAC Consultation with Academics & Legal Practitioners re Wording for Amendments to Articles 40 and 41 of the Constitution
  7. Final_Access to Justice Conference Report[13]The Chief Justice’s Working Group on Access to Justice: Second Conference ReportCivil Legal Review: An opportunity to develop a model system in Ireland
  8. FLAC Annual Report 2022 FLAC Annual Report 2022
  9. Briefings Editorial DLA Briefings Article: CT & FE v Dunnes Stores Company Unlimited
  10. FLAC Supplemental Submission to the Inter Departmental Referendum Committee re Non Marital FamiliesFLAC Supplemental Submission to the Inter-Departmental Referendums Committee: Ensuring Constitutional Protection for Non-Marital Families
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(427 publications)
