FLAC News 24(2) Apr-Jun 2014

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FLAC News 24(2) Apr-Jun 2014.
In this issue:
- Steady rise in need for legal supportsrevealed in annual report 2013
- Woman in Subsidiary Protection challenges refusal to backdate Child Benefit
- Recovery of costs from legally aided clients potentially inequitable
- Small advance for Trans teens, but no date for Gender Recognition Bill
- o’Brien v Permanent TSB Finance (PTSB)
- Rise in calls to FLAC over lifetime of recession
- FLAC Volunteer Golden Pin Awards Scheme
- FLAC Legal Information Booklets
- Focus on FLAC: Columb Fortune
- PILA update: PILA welcome new Project Officer Eamonn Tansey; PILA hosts EU Treaty Rights Legal
- Education Session; High-level group on access to a lawyer
- Robbie Sinnott 13
- Rent receivers: unclear law means tenants caught in crossfire between banks and landlords
- Social Welfare & Pensions Bill may put people at risk of destitution
- Ireland’s examination under ICCPR
- Work progresses on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Shadow Report