FLAC News 25 (2) Apr-Jun 2015

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FLAC News 25 (2) Apr-Jun 2015. Special UN ICESCR reporting edition
in this edition...
Section 1: Blogs & news articles
- A life of dignity: Why the UN has 28 questions for the Irish government p2
- Civil Legal Aid is necessary to truly uphold ICESCR Rights p3
- An bhfuil cead agam dul go dtí na tithí cúirte, le do thoil? p4
- An abdication of duty: How State policy sacrifices public health for corporate wealth p5
- Enabling older people to attain their basic rights pp6-7
- Access to justice and discrimination in Ireland pp7-8
- How is the Government shaping up on key human rights? pp8-9
- Is Ireland ensuring the right to education for all? p9
- Holding Ireland to account for violations of basic human rights p10
- Poverty in Ireland has a child’s face: Children’s economic, social & cultural rights p11
- Economic, Social & Cultural Rights of Travellers & Roma p11
- The Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of Disabled People p12
- The right to housing p12
- The right to social security p13
- Right to a cultural life p13
- Timeline of reporting process under International Covenant on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights 14
Section 2: Speaking notes from presentations to UN Committee on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights
- Collaboration and solidarity at the heart of ICESCR reporting process p16
- Presentation by Noeline Blackwell on behalf of FLAC and the Our Voice Our Rights Civil Society consortium pp17-18
- Speaking notes by Barra Lysaght, Threshold p19
- Speaking notes by Fiona Walsh, Tallaght Trialogue p19
- Speaking notes by Jane Donnelly & Michael Nugent of Atheist Ireland p20
- Speaking notes by Jane O’Sullivan, Community Law & Mediation p21
- Speaking notes by Dr Katherine O’Donnell and Maeve O’Rourke, Justice for Magdalenes Research p21
- Speaking notes by Maeve Taylor, Irish Family Planning Association p22
- Speaking notes by Dr Liam Thornton p23
Section 3: Questions & Answers
- Questions & Answers during UN Examination of Irish State delegation pp24-26
Section 4: UN Concluding Observations
- UN: ‘Disproportionate’ State focus on cuts during austerity pp1 & 27
- UN Committee Concluding Observations pp28-31
- The Our Voice, Our Rights road to Geneva – a photo gallery p32