PILA Bulletin, 26 May 2010

In this week's bulletin
1. Launch of Irish Human Rights Law Review;
2. Michael Farrell speaks about Foy case at UCC event (paper attached);
3. New FLAC Centre opens in north inner city;
4. Dolphin's Barn residents claim violation of human rights;
5. Major reform in libel law removes privilege inequity between Oireachtas members and witnesses;
6. High Court clarifies right of audience of barristers;
7. Amendments to Civil Partnership Bill;
8. UK: Pakistani students deemed "security risk" to the State win fight to remain in UK;
9. UK: Article 8 ECHR invoked in eviction case;
10. International: Gay marriage legalised in Portugal while gay couple sentenced to 14 years imprisonment in Malawi;
11. Canadian Law Society relaxes conflict of interest rules in relation to pro bono work;
12. Job vacancies: FLAC seeking to recruit PILA Manager, deadline 4 June 2010;
13. The PILS Project seeks a Solicitor and Project Manager to cover Maternity Leave, Belfast, deadline 4 June 2010;
14. Events: "Judicial Review North - Trends and forecasts 2010", hosted by the Public Law Project, 24 June 2010;
15. Advanced Geneva Training Course on International Human Rights Law and Advocacy, 13-24 September 2010.