PILN Bulletin 13 May 2008
Please note that this information is dated as of a specified time and may not be legally valid.
PILN Bulletin 13 May 2008
In this Bulletin:
- Ruling on Locus Standi of a NGO by the Supreme Court.
- “Belfast 2008: Protesting Deportations – What Next?” A panel discussion around the issue of UK deportation, 27 May 2008.
- Six day summer course on the International Criminal Court to be held at the Irish Centre of Human Rights, Galway.
- Research opportunity: ICCL seeks researcher for a report on the role of the Irish judiciary in protecting and promoting international human rights in the Republic of Ireland.
- Discussion by ISIL on International Humanitarian Law in Ireland, 28 May 2008.
- European Court of Justice rules that the European Parliament deserves equal say with EU member states on classification of safe countries.
- Declaration of Incompatibility with European Convention on Human Rights in Housing Acts case.
- IPRT Annual Lecture on “Prison Inspection and the Protection of Human Rights” on 19 May 2008 in Dublin.
- UCC and Hope Foundation Cork and Kalkuta conference on Child Labour and Child Trafficking, 17 May 2008, in UCC Cork.
- UCD School of Social Justice Post Graduate Feminist Seminar on What Ivory Towers? Gender, Body and Sexuality presented by Paula Fagan, Women’s Aid, 16 May 2008.
- NUI Galway’s Law Faculty Annual Distinguished Lecture 2008: Family Law in Ireland and the United Kingdom: Common Threads and Divergent Perspectives.
- Seminar on “Best Practice in Provision of Services to Asylum Seekers”, 28 May 2008 at Carmelite Community Centre, Dublin.
- Two-day conference on “Why Marriage? Love and Justice in 21st Century Ireland”, 21-22 May 2008, Dublin
- FLAC’s Public Interest Law Seminar, 20 June 2008.