PILN Bulletin 29 October 2008

In this Bulletin:
1. On International Day to Eradicate Poverty, FLAC seeks removal of anti-Poverty provisions in budget, 17 October 2008;
2. Press Council takes stand against racism and intolerance;
3. Mentally ill asylum seeker left homeless following eviction from direct provision;
4. Landmark court decision finds Niger guilty of slavery;
5. Spain should give legal aid to migrant children: Human Rights Watch;
6. Iran limits execution of children;
7. Conference: European Convention on Human Rights - Five Years On, 8 November 2008;
8. IHRC 3rd Annual Human Rights Lecture to be given by President of Ireland, Mary McAleese, Tuesday 25 November 2008;
9. Conference: Growing Ethnic Business in Ireland, 26 November 2008;
10. Date for your Diary: FLAC's Second Annual Dave Ellis Memorial Lecture, 1 December 2008.
11. EAPN Training course on Human Rights and Income, 7 November 2008