PILN Bulletin - 5th October 2007

In this issue:
FLAC’s Inaugural Dave Ellis Memorial Lecture, 15 October 2007, Trinity College, Keynote Speaker: Professor Gerry Whyte, UK Public Legal Education and Support Task Force release the report of their year’s work, Creating capable citizens: the role of public legal education, Support shown for the growing Pro Bono practice among lawyers in Poland, The Minister for Social and Family Affairs fails to address the issue of best interest of the child when questioned recently in that regard in relation to Child Benefit, Fall recorded in number of EU migrant workers claiming Child Benefit for children living in home country, Treoir’s online resource on unmarried parents, Addition to programme of Equality, Legislation & The Constitution Conference, NUIG, 6 October 2007, Irish Human Rights Commission & the Law Society of Ireland Annual Conference, 13 October 2007, Public Interest Law Initiative to hold its first European Pro Bono Forum in Budapest on 17 October 2007, Seminar on Mental Health and Human Rights: Challenges for Law and Practice, UCC, 25 October 2007