PILA Bulletin, 13 May 2010

Please note that this information is dated as of a specified time and may not be legally valid.
In this week's bulletin:
- Standing notice - Join the PILA lawyers' register!
- PILA hosts launch of Irish Human Rights Law Review, 20 May 2010
- PILA law seminar series review
- High Court refer decision on data retention to the ECJ
- State's judges give unanimous support for establishment of judicial council
- UK: Landmark equal pay judgment could result in multi-million pound payout for female workers
- UK: Lord Justice Laws rejects special legal protection for Christianity
- UK: Legal action taken by Public Interest Lawyers over detention centre conditions
- E.U: ECJ rules social security benefits cannot be withheld from spouses of persons linked with Al-Qaeda
- Job vacancies: The PILS Project seeks a Solicitor and Project Manager to cover Maternity Leave, Belfast, deadline 4 June 2010
- "Towards a Gender Recognition Framework for Ireland", Symposium hosted by UCC, 14 May 2010
- Launch of Law Reform Commission's Interim Report on Personal Debt Management and Debt Enforcement, 17 May 2010
- The Equality Authority is holding a legal conference on "Expanding Equality Protections in Goods and Services: Irish and EU Perspectives", 21 May 2010
- The Irish Penal Reform Trust, launch of report on the "Reintegration of Prisoners in Ireland", 25 May 2010
- Irish Mental Health Lawyers Association seminar, 27 May 2010
- The International Law Association in association with the Irish Society of International Law hosting talk on "The Future of the International Criminal Court after the Review Conference", 15 June 2010
- E.U: The European Commission Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities 4th Equality Summit, 15-16 November 2010