PILA Bulletin, 15 April 2010

Please note that this information is dated as of a specified time and may not be legally valid.
In this week’s bulletin:
- Standing notice – Join the PILA lawyers’ register!
- Upcoming PILA conference and seminar;
- Irish Traveller Movement Law Centre item on Traveller ethnicity and the UN Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination;
- Bill to give gay couples same tax code as married couples;
- Northern Ireland Appoints First Justice Minister since 1972;
- U.K: Crucifix Ban Discrimination Case Fails;
- U.K: New U.K Human Rights Blog;
- U.S: Leading Liberal U.S Supreme Court Justice Confirms Retirement;
- Australia: No longer accepting refugee claims from Sri Lanka and Afghanistan;
- Events: DCU to host Inaugural Annual Law and Society Lecture, 21 April 2010;
- The Irish Centre for European Law is hosting a lecture title ‘Financial Services Update: Regulation in a Time of Crisis’, 23 April 2010;
- U.K: Times/Matrix forum and debate on the Human Rights Act, 20 April 2010;
- Centre for Disability Law and Policy to host one day conference on International and Comparative Perspectives on Employment and Disability Law, 24 April 2010;
- EU: International Course on Children’s Rights titled ‘Children’s Rights in a Globalised World: from Principles to Practice’, 5-17 September 2010;
- E.U: 2010 European Pro Bono Forum, Paris, 18-19 November 2010.