PILA Bulletin, 5 May 2010

Please note that this information is dated as of a specified time and may not be legally valid.
In this week’s bulletin:
- Standing notice – Join the PILA lawyers’ register!
- Upcoming PILA international law seminar, 7 May 2010;
- PILA hosts launch of Irish Human Rights Law Review, 20 May 2010;
- Thirty-five years of Northside Community law Centre;
- Governor of Mountjoy’s female prison resigns;
- Equality Tribunal’s Annual Report sees threefold rise in discriminatory dismissals;
- Northern Ireland: G and D: The Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007;
- UK: Absence of review mechanism renders permanent inclusion on sex offender register incompatible with European Convention on Human Rights;
- UK: Council of Europe presses UK to introduce total ban on smacking children;
- Commissioner for Human Rights intervenes before Court in asylum cases;
- Spain Supports Judges Inquiry into Franco Regime;
- U.S: Civil rights leader Dorothy Height dies aged 98;
- Probono.net;
- Fair Ireland Forum presents: ‘The Human Rights of Children and Families: prevention, intervention and support in times of crisis’, 11 May 2010;
- Irish Women and Lawyers Association, Seminar on the Civil Partnership Bill 2009, 12 May 2010;
- Access to Justice: For some or for all? Conference, 15 May 2010;
- Law Society Annual Human Rights Lecture, 19 May 2010;
- International Course on Children’s Rights titled ‘Children’s Rights in a Globalised World: from Principles to Practice’, 5-17 September 2010;
- European Pro Bono Forum, Paris, 18-19 November 2010.