PILA Bulletin, 9 July 2010

Please note that this information is dated as of a specified time and may not be legally valid.
In this week's bulletin:
- FLAC welcomes interim recommendations of Mortgage Arrears and Personal Debt Expert Group;
- Department of Justice orders relocation of asylum seekers in Mosney;
- Justice for Magdalenes group approach Irish Human Rights Commission to conduct inquiry;
- Further sections of Charities Act 2009 to be commenced;
- 'Defending Human Rights in Contemporary Ireland', paper from Michael Farrell as keynote speaker to LLM Students Annual Conference, June 2010;
- N. Ireland: Report released on Human Rights analysis of budgeting for social housing in Northern Ireland;
- UK: Appeal won in Supreme Court by homosexual asylum seekers;
- UK: Supreme Court overturns previous landmark finding, ruling British troops not protected by human rights legislation outside of military bases;
- UK: Anti-terror stop and search powers to be scrapped;
- U.S.: Supreme Court upholds law which permits advocates advising banned organisations to be prosecuted as terrorists;
- UN: In historic move, UN to establish single entity to promote equality for women;
- Prison Law Seminar Series: 'Litigating Prison Conditions' 13 July 2010;
- Call for Tender: A Critical Review of Anti-Discrimination Law in Ireland;
- Events: Advocacy Initiative call for expressions of interest in developing next phase, July 2010;
- Law Centre (NI) hosts one day training course 'Mental Health and Criminal Justice', 5 August 2010;
- Upcoming courses with Respond Housing Association, September 2010.