PILA Bulletin, 9 June 2010

Please note that this information is dated as of a specified time and may not be legally valid.
In this week's bulletin:
- Equality and Rights Alliance makes oral submission to European Parliament over cutbacks;
- Fines Bill becomes law;
- Replacement immigration legislation to be introduced by autumn;
- Clarification on issue of stamp duty under Civil Partnership Bill;
- UK: Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year awards lawyers committed to publicly-funded work;
- UK: Public Legal Education Network release report showing serious lack of knowledge of rights and basic legal processes;
- UK: Video available online of Amicus mock trial of US death penalty;
- International: Human Rights Council adopts resolution condemning "outrageous attack" by Israeli forces;
- International update: Presidential pardon releases gay couple from Mala wian prison;
- The PILS Project launches Newsletter;
- Clinical Legal Education: Petition made by US Law School's Human Rights Clinic results in provision of services for Puerto Rican community;
- Community Legal Education: Respond Housing Association running three courses on Housing, Applied Social Studies and Development, Autumn 2010;
- Events: Bar Council hosts half-day conference: "The Arbitration Act 2010 - A New Landscape for Arbitration in Ireland", 12 June 2010;
- University of Ulster Law School hosts International Conference on the Rights of the Child: "The Children's Convention at 21: The Rights of the Child come of age?", 19/20 June 2010;
- Immigration Law Practitioners' Association training session: "Conducting cases in the public interest", 30 June 2010;
- IBA Pro Bono and Access to Justice Committee invites nominations for 2010 Annual Pro Bono Award.